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US Lawmakers Reiterate Criticism of Rice Over Benghazi

by Michael Bowman November 27, 2012

​​Republican senators say they remain deeply troubled by the Obama administration’s initial accounts of the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The senators spoke after meeting with America’s U.N. ambassador, Susan Rice, who has come under fire for statements she made days after the assault that killed four Americans.

If Rice hoped a face-to-face meeting with three of her sharpest critics on Capitol Hill would lay to rest Republican ire over the Benghazi incident, those hopes have been dashed.

“I am more disturbed now than I was before," Senator Lindsey Graham told reporters after the meeting.

Graham said the meeting with Ambassador Rice provoked more questions than answers. Fellow-Republican Senator John McCain agreed.

“It is clear that the information she gave the American people was incorrect," McCain said.

Five days after the Benghazi attack, Rice asserted initial intelligence assessments pointed to a spontaneous demonstration that attracted heavily-armed militants. The Obama administration has since conceded the assault was a terrorist attack.

“She said that it was a spontaneous demonstration triggered by a hateful video. It was not,” he added.

Senator Graham was even more emphatic.

“It was a statement disconnected from reality," he said. "If anybody had been looking at the threats coming out of Benghazi, Libya, it was ‘jump-out-at-you’ [obvious] that this was an al-Qaida storm in the making.”

​​ Ambassador Rice did not appear with the senators following the meeting, but last week she sought to address lingering questions about her assertions on Benghazi.

“When discussing the attacks against our facilities in Benghazi, I relied solely and squarely on the information provided to me by the intelligence community," Rice said. "I made clear that the information was preliminary and that our investigations would give us the definitive answers. Everyone, particularly the intelligence community, has worked in good faith to provide the best assessment based on the information available.”

Earlier this month, Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte joined Senators McCain and Graham in calling for a special legislative committee to probe the Benghazi incident.

“Clearly the impression that was given, the information given to the American people, was wrong," Senator Ayotte said after the meeting. "In fact, Ambassador Rice said today [that] absolutely it was wrong.”

Rice is thought to be a possible candidate to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state during President Obama’s second term. When asked by reporters, none of the three Republican senators would say if they would vote to confirm her, should she be nominated to the post.

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